Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Gift Giving

My daughter recently brought me a present.  I love presents!

She was at the library, saw this book, thought I would like it, so she got it for me.

I am almost done reading it, and it has been a HOOT!  I keep nodding whilst I'm reading.

When I'm done, I will take it back to the library, so someone else can have a turn.

The gift wasn't posession of the book.  It was my kidlet's thoughtfulness, seeing a book she thought I would enjoy, and sharing it to me.  I won't need this book anymore after I've read it - I will have enjoyed it, and then it can move along for someone else to enjoy.

Sometimes gifts are physical things that we make or buy and give to someone for keeps.  Sometimes, though, gifts are a kindness - time spent with a friend,  doing a chore for a family member, or bringing your mom a book she is likely to enjoy.  It's not the money spent, or the size, or the status of the item.  It really, truly is the thought that counts.


  1. You are exactly right. I love this!

  2. Love it!

    Right after I brought my husband home from the hospital my oldest daughter sent me a test that read, 'You are a remarkable woman!' What a huge gift!


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