Sunday, April 2, 2017

Weekly Frugals!

I used an online code to get a free 8x10 print at Walgreens - one of Daughter and Husband from our trip to the Sand Dunes last week.

I did a little mending - sewed some buttons onto a favorite jacket and mended the sleeve on a hoodie.

We make cupcakes, and Daughter decorated them with sprinkles from the pantry.  Cute!

When we cleaned out the staff kitchen at work, there were enough sprinkles,
left from various programs, for everyone to take a few home.

At my workplace, we have health and fitness challenges each quarter.  I set a very simple goal to change a habit (get to bed earlier in order to get more sleep), achieved my goal over the 2 month period of the challenge, and was rewarded with a $10 gift card to Trader Joe's.  I also want to say that 2 months to form a new habit seems to be a much better idea than the old 21 day least, for me.  There is no new challenge right now, but I've challenged myself to make sure I drink at least 64 oz. water each day, and I'm doing well with that one.

We made some good progress on the plans for finishing the basement.  There is a lot to decide in the drawing stage (we don't like last-minute changes - not at all), and we are getting more figured out as we go.  I think the space I'm most excited about is the room we will use for our pantry.  We have always stored foodstuffs in the basement, but this space will be a little more acessible and give us, hopefully, a place for everything.  It will be great to have organized storage for foodstuffs, canning supplies and more.

The plant starts are pretty far along...and it's snowing here pretty regularly.  I may need to re-pot soon!

We've started tomatoes, four-o-clocks, Malabar spinach, marigolds, zinnias and herbs!

I repaired a coaster and a child's toy (my child's toy...hee hee).

We spent some time in the library's Maker Space, learning how to use the 3-d printers.  We also borrowed books and media from the library.

Husband combined sales, coupons and rebates to make the most of our grocery budget.  He also hung laundry out to dry on the clothesline, and kept our house warm with a cozy fire in the wood stove.

We fed scraps, vegetable peels, etc. to our chickens and dogs, as supplements/treats to their regular food.

What did you do this week to spend less, save more and make do?


  1. Wow...I'm trying to imagine still having snow.
    We actually had the a/c on one day.

    1. We have had a very dry, snowless winter, so we are pretty happy for the springtime snows. We need the moisture. :)

  2. While this may not seem the right thing to do it is for us:
    reduced the number of Earthboxes and containers to 15 from 23. We have to hand water using rain water and we've been in the middle of a drought that is only getting worse. Only growing what we know will grow with little care - amaranth, beet greens, swiss chard, red tatsoi, purslane (yes I know it's considered a weed most places but not here), peppers and mizuna.

    I have Yard long beans and Daikon radishes in the ground but for the last time. Don't do well enough to nurse along. Just using up the seeds.

    I have 3 Seminole pumpkin plants ready to transplant. A native Florida pumpkin that has done very well despite the nematode attacks.

    Harvested a gazillion Everglades tomatoes. Again, a native Florida tomato about the size of a grape tomato. Very sweet, and all 3 plants are volunteers growing under citrus trees in the back.

    For $1 bought a lovely long sleeved linen/silk shirt to use as a jacket for needed sun protection. I've had too many instances of pre-cancerous spots and actual skin cancer.

    Used Hoopla for books and movies. I have 8 checkouts on my computer and another 8 on my I-pad - don't know why as I only use my one library card. Used Zinio for magazines. I just love my library!

    Did not buy gas for our Volt during March. Means we did not use the car much. Finally making progress in limiting our going out on longer than 40 mile trips. The cost of the electric needed to charge the car is less than the gas would cost. We check regularly.

    We've had to use the AC more than we'd like but we do collect and use the condensate to water the container plants. Every drop helps.

    Bought a pot of Peppermint discounted with hubby's Veteran's discount at Lowe's. Saved about $.75. Should be able to start using the plant for my tea in about 3 weeks. Price of plant was less than box of 20 bags of tea.

    1. Oh, I understand! I used to grow a huge garden and do a lot of canning. Now, we have deer that can destroy the garden in a night, so I have a smaller garden - it's enough for fresh stuff all through summer and into fall, and a bit of canning here and there, but I just can't protect more land cost-effectively. I get the enjoyment of some gardening, we get a fair amount of produce (and some flowers!), and we have accepted that. I don't know the specifics of peppermint, but here, if we plant it in the ground, it comes back every year (it's kind of a weed). You might try it there and see!

  3. Pretty much a normal week around here doing what we do to save money but I can't think of a single thing to mention. I guess the biggest thing around here lately is deciding not to trade vehicles even though we have a savings account for that. So, the money stays in the bank for now and we will continue to make a car payment to ourselves every month.

    1. We do that too, Lana. Our overall plan would have had us purchasing something about 3 years ago, but our little truck is running well, so we decided to just keep driving it, and we put 'payments' into savings.


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